Monday, April 24, 2006

I'm so bad...

I'm so sorry that i've been so horrible updating this but if you knew what work has been like you'd understand.

Work is great, it gets overwhelming at times but I truly love what i'm doing. The perks of traveling are going to start rolling in shortly and I cant wait to take advantage of them.

Here is what my summer schedule looks like so far:

May 1-3: Chicago
May 16-20: Beverly Hills
May 20-25: Las Vegas
July 10-16: Toronto

and for my vacation..

August 4-20: Italy

What a great summer! I'm sure i'll plan some other side trips in there as well. I know i'm going to Richmond next month to visit Bethy, I'm hoping to visit Kirk sometime soon but I'm not sure if that will be while he's in Philly or when he moves to Charlotte. Anyone want me to add you to the list let me know!!

I'm working on contacting the friends i've let slip away this last year or two, I started that this weekend by getting in touch with some and starting conversations again. I plan to keep doing that! I'm tired of being isolated out here and feeling like I have no one to turn to. Again, I apologize to all of you i've lost contact with I promise I'm working on fixing that!

I'll try to work on updating this more...I know i'll have tons to say after my trip to Chicago! If anyones been there and has places I must see let me know!

Posted by lilwolf at 7:12 PM